Advantages and Disadvantages of the Ways to Overcome the Impact of COVID-19 on University Student's Lifestyle - Impact Of Covid-19 on the Lifestyle of the University Student


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Ways to Overcome the Impact of COVID-19 on University Student's Lifestyle

 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Ways to Overcome the 
Impact of COVID-19 on University Student's Lifestyle

Written by: Nurul Athirah Binti Mohd Rosli, Yee Zhi Yew, Tisyalene Thangarajoo,
Nicholas Tan Kae Jer, Tan Jie Ying

The Covid-19 global pandemic has affected almost every university student, which has caused a change in their lifestyles. For example, university students would have to face the form of online learning and need to experience some transformation that they have never experienced before. Recently, some of the university students are staying at the dormitory of their university while some of them are maintaining the latest new learning style——staying at home, and attending online classes. The opportunity for these university students to have a social life is limited due to Covid-19 as they would need to follow the rules and social distance with each other to prevent the coronavirus from spreading around. Furthermore, university students have to practice the new normal life such as washing their hands, using hand sanitizer, wearing face masks, and more. There are many solutions that can help university students to overcome the impact of Covid-19 on their lifestyle. However, each of these solutions would have its advantages and disadvantages.

The university students should learn how to deal with stress where they could try to take some rest and listen to music that can make them calm down. It can also help them to reduce the stress due to the Covid-19. They can also pick up some hobbies such as reading, singing and try to learn some new skills. These activities will help them to relax and increase their knowledge level. For example, university students can learn yoga or have a deep breathing session. Moreover, the students can also talk about their stressful situations with their friends. This is because when they start communicating with their friends, they can motivate each other and find out ways to overcome the stress due to the impact of Covid-19 on their lifestyle. It could also help them to build a strong relationship with each other. The advantage of learning to cope with stress is that the chances of being diagnosed with depression and anxiety would decrease, making their concentration level increase. Furthermore, they can have a positive and peace of mind which could help them in thinking clearly. The university student can focus while studying online and perform well in their academics. Therefore, when they have good stress management, they are happier and they would be able to regain their own positive lifestyle despite the ongoing pandemic. Additionally, university students could also have a balanced diet by having healthy meals too. A balanced diet can help to reduce the effect of stress and build their immune system. So, when university students have a healthy body, they can stay away from the infection of any diseases. Certainly, it will decrease their worries about the pandemic and avoid mental health issues. Although university students can deal with the stress by doing this activity, sometimes the university students don't have enough time to cope with stress because of their busy schedules. The disadvantage is they might become dependent on the coping mechanism to deal with stress. However, there are some university students who cannot adapt to the impact Covid-19 has on their lifestyle and choose unhealthy ways to deal with stress such as overeating, drinking alcohol, and lashing out at others. To sum up, if university students use the right method of coping with their stress, they could easily overcome their problems.

    Exercising would be a good benefit for the university students in overcoming stress as it has been proven with some good benefits where it could improve one’s physical fitness, well-being, and quality of life. This is because university students have been dealing with lots of pressure just by attending online classes nonetheless with the problems they might also face in their homes. In consequence, this could actually damage their mental and physical health which could cause them to develop mental health disorders, depression, and anxiety. As said by Barack Obama “You have to exercise, or at some point, you’ll just break down”. Thus, this proves that exercising could help these university students in boosting their mood as the chemical levels in their brain change by reacting to this. In addition, exercising would also help by promoting these students to get a better sleep. This is due to the fact that most university students are overloaded with assignments and quizzes every week. As a result, in order to complete all these works and to study for quizzes, they would have to burn the midnight oil which leads to a bad sleeping schedule and might even cause them to have insomnia. Therefore, exercising would help them by getting the sufficient amount of sleep that every university student needs which is 6 to 8 hours daily. However, there are also cons that could come from exercising. If these students start exercising impulsively by overdoing it, then they’re more likely to sustain the injuries that come with it. This is because overexercising would make them feel weak and dehydrated. Hence, this would make it harder for them to pay attention during their online class as they would be tired and exhausted which would only make them feel sleepy. In long-term effects, it might also trigger heart problems and damage their arteries that could lead to injuries and cause addiction. For that reason, students should limit themselves from over-exercising and just exercise in the right amount to live a healthy lifestyle. In conclusion, this shows us that exercising could be a good way to handle stress but overdoing it could also damage us. 

Creating a To-Do list is easy, however, following the list properly would be hard sometimes because of a few reasons especially for students who have a lot of tasks to be completed at the same time. Let’s examine the pros and cons of creating a to-do list in daily life. First and foremost, having a to-do list will help you to increase productivity. If you make a to-do list, you will know the tasks or assignments given by lecturers that have to be done one after the other, especially during this pandemic. Since every university student is experiencing Online Distance Learning (ODL) their friends are not there to remind them about the tasks. Therefore, making a to-do list is very crucial for university students because they can prioritize their tasks which helps them to “Eat the frog” which is also known as doing the most important tasks first. So, by making this to-do list they would not miss the due date for their assignments. Nevertheless, there are also the cons of creating a to-do list. Creating to-do lists can lead to more stress and burden than proficiency. This is because incomplete tasks on their list can cause stress as the due date is getting closer and they might have a thought of not being able to complete it on time. Furthermore, this problem could also tend to disturb their sleep by making them feel guilty about not finishing the tasks and think that the burden of tasks was huge. In addition to that,  not getting enough sleep will drag these students into having health problems. So, it is very important to have enough sleep to be more energetic in order to complete the task on the next day. In conclusion, making a to-do list will give you many benefits if you can be disciplined in following the list and stop procrastinating on the tasks.

    For a start, the advantage of being self-disciplined is feeling motivated towards the goals. A disciplined student will always be positive about the tasks they should do to achieve their goals. Neither wind nor rain, nor any condition will stop a disciplined person from doing what should be done. They don't feel tired or down on themselves, they only feel the excitement of getting closer to their goals. Besides, another advantage of self-discipline is a higher rate of goal achievement and success. Since disciplined university students will stay motivated about their goals, they will also keep track of the milestones of their accomplishments. Therefore, if they notice any problems along with the progress, they will take immediate action to ensure it gets back on track. For example, a university student named Ali discovered that in order to get an A in the networking subject, he should make sure to get high marks in both assignments and final exams. Thus, he studied hard and performed well in the assignments. However, everything will have its pros and cons. A disciplined person tends to be strict to themselves. In order to reach their goals, these self-disciplined people tend to overly squeeze their time to complete daily tasks that are scheduled. This is because if one part goes wrong, the progress after that will also be affected. The reason for doing this is that the reality is that everyone's day is filled with both big and small things. University students are always busy with assignments, projects, quizzes, exams, and so on. If they are involved in co-curricular activities, and clubs, they also need to take the time to attend the activities. At the same time, they have to study and revise what they learned that day. A bunch of busy things leads to the need for self-disciplined people to have strict control over time management to ensure that the goals set for each day are completed on time. Yet the benefits weigh against the disadvantages. As the proverb said, no pain, no gain.  Although it's a hard process, but the joy of seeing the goal accomplished is the best gift of all. 

    Besides that, every method to overcome a situation has its own advantages and disadvantages. Such as planning a daily schedule to overcome university students’ Lifestyles during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the advantages of this method, university students can manage their time efficiently and understand what they should do for the future. It can save a lot of their time to do some meaningful activities according to their daily schedule. For instance, university students should plan some meaningful activities in their daily schedule, such as reading, jogging, doing homework, and so on. Thus, it can improve their physical condition, personality, and intellect. Moreover, university students would not be nervous and rush to plan some activities on that day. It can reduce their stress and get them to relax by following their own daily schedule only. On the other hand, university students need to spend a lot of time planning their own daily schedule every day. This is because they want to plan a meaningful and interesting daily schedule efficiently. Therefore, they would need to think carefully before setting their daily schedule. Besides that, some activities would happen unplanned and this will affect their daily schedule timing. Thus, the schedule can't proceed and needs to be improved again. As a result, they need to spend some time again to alter and modify their daily schedule. In conclusion, planning a daily schedule has it’s advantages and disadvantages. It is worth planning their own daily schedule to overcome their lifestyle during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is because there are more advantages than disadvantages that could be obtained from planning a daily schedule.

In conclusion, each method is not perfect, they both have their drawbacks and benefits. Thus, we are responsible to determine the best method that is suitable after weighing the pros and cons. The university students should stay positive and believe in themselves that they can overcome these problems and the effects that have happened due to this pandemic. As John F. Kennedy's father said, “when the going gets tough the tough get going” and for this situation, the pandemic problems sure will be solved one day in the future. Therefore, university students need to stay strong and believe that someday everything will back to normal, they will embrace again the good lifestyle.


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