Ways to Overcome The Impact of COVID-19 on University Student's Lifestyle - Impact Of Covid-19 on the Lifestyle of the University Student


Sunday, December 12, 2021

Ways to Overcome The Impact of COVID-19 on University Student's Lifestyle

Ways to Overcome The Impact of COVID-19 on University Student's Lifestyle 

Written by: Nurul Athirah Binti Mohd Rosli, Yee Zhi Yew, Tisyalene Thangarajoo,
Nicholas Tan Kae Jer, Tan Jie Ying

    Billions of people in this whole world are affected by the Covid 19 pandemic. This coronavirus disease has brought serious effects to university students as well. As this pandemic has changed the lifestyle of almost every university student where the classes mode shifted from face-to-face sessions to online sessions. The disease has disrupted the beginning of every semester causing students to develop many mental health problems and also affecting their studying methods making them lose interest in keeping up with their studies and making them drop out. What can university students do to cope with the problems that they are facing due to this deadly virus?

    The solution that can help to solve the impact of Covid-19 is that university students should know how to deal with stress. University students may feel stressed because the coronavirus may have disrupted the lifestyle of university students. For instance, instead of physical classes, they would need to study online and face internet connection problems depending on the connectivity in their housing area. Besides, university students would also need to restrict their social activity because they must keep a social distance from people and stay safe from Covid 19. Thus, how could they solve this problem? The university students can listen to music when they feel stressed. The university students can also take a deep breath and take some time to rest. They can also talk to their friends and communicate with them by using online platforms such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, and many more to express their feelings to their friends. Moreover, university students can also make a plan to live a healthy lifestyle. For example, they should get enough rest by sleeping for at least 8 hours a day. They need to make sure that they have enough sleep as lack of sleep may cause them to lose focus during the online class session. In consequence, when they do not learn efficiently, they can’t complete the works given by their lecturer by the due date given. In addition, university students need to maintain a balanced diet. Eating more vegetables and fruits could also boost their immune system against the Covid 19. The worries or panics about Covid 19 of university students will decrease while they have a healthy body and a positive mind.

    Second, as university students have also been impacted with covid-19 it has also mentally and physically affected their health causing stress, developing new mental diseases, and an unhealthy diet. University students should be able to spend some time exercising for 20 to 30 minutes a day at least three times a week as a way of overcoming stress. This could actually release their stress as it would pump up their endorphins level in the brain which is the chemicals in the brain that are released when someone is relaxed and happy. Moreover, exercising can also help them to get enough sleep as it could make them tired by the time they go to bed. As a result, this could help them in being proactive and boosting their academic performance. For instance, instead of sleeping or scrolling through their phone, they would be paying attention during their online classes. Furthermore, exercising would also increase their metabolism which would help them in keeping fit. In consequence, when these university students are physically and mentally active, there would be a low chance for them to develop into serious health problems such as osteoporosis, heart attack, low blood pressure, and many more whereas their lifespan would be increasing. Thus, all these reasons clearly show why it is important for university students to exercise weekly to live a healthy lifestyle.

Furthermore, to-do lists are one of the most important things for students to plan their day. To-do lists can be a great way to prioritize the tasks they would have to accomplish and to think about the time it will take to do so. Once the university students have tried out and decided on a system prioritization that works for them, they also need to consider some aspects in their to-do list. For example, in their to-do list, they would need to list down the clear priorities and due dates of their tasks given by their lecturer. So that, based on their list, it will help them to choose which highly important tasks should be completed before a less important task. Other than that, university students must limit themselves to three to five tasks daily that are included in their to-do lists. It should depend on what kinds of tasks and how difficult they are to be completed. So, they would not feel pressured to complete the tasks as they would just need to focus only on three to five tasks only for a day. By having a small number of tasks per day, university students are more likely to finish them on time. Hence, they could focus on their next three to five tasks for the next day. Therefore, university students should know how to plan their to-do lists according to their ability to complete the tasks, especially during this pandemic. This is because students tend to be pressured by their tasks and also new learning methods.

In addition, self-discipline is a key attribute that decides whether someone can conquer themselves successfully even when they’re in a difficult situation. Some people have the ability to do many things every day, so what is the exact way that keeps them so consistent? Self-discipline, this is the answer and this is what pushes us to deliver on our best intentions and goals, even when we don't feel like doing so. Someone that practices self-discipline is able to put off short-term pleasure in the pursuit of long-term gain. Through self-discipline, university students will learn how to control themselves and to make themselves work hard or behave in a particular way without needing anyone else to tell them what to do. The Covid-19 pandemic should not be a reason for them to stop learning and instead they should learn how to adapt and come up with solutions to improve themselves. They will try their best to overcome every obstacle due to the pandemic. For example, online learning is not as efficient as a physical class due to several problems such as network and habits like procrastination. Therefore, disciplined university student will identify their obstacles, set some goals, then keep motivating themselves to achieve their goals. As a result, they will not be easily influenced by the environment and emotions, there’s literally nothing that could stop them from being a better person and achieving their dreams. 

    Last, in this day and age, the Covid-19 pandemic has changed a lot of university students’ lifestyles as they were faced with many stressful situations. Hence, in order to overcome this university students should plan their own daily schedule by doing some meaningful activities. For example, reading books, jogging, house cleaning, and learning some new talents. As a result, they can manage their time efficiently during the pandemic of the Covid-19 period. It will also avoid them to waste their time by doing some needless activities. As a result, by following their daily schedule every day, it gives university students a direction to do an activity in a timeline. Moreover, they wouldn't panic and feel stressed about what they should do every day. In addition, those meaningful activities could also improve and enhance skills such as physical skills, social skills, and critical thinking skills. It is also very beneficial and could be an advantage for university students once they’ve stepped into real society. Therefore, their daily schedule would be productive for them as it would decrease university students' stress levels and they would be able to improve various kinds of meaningful skills at the same time.

    In conclusion, there are many ways for university students to solve the problem caused by Covid-19.

Reference :

The American National Red Cross. (2021). Coping With Stress During Covid 19. Retrieved from:     


Learning & Academic Resources Department (n.d). 6 Benefits EXERCISE - Long Beach City College - LBCC. Retrieved from: https://www.lbcc.edu/sites/main/files/file-attachments/6_benefits_of_exercise_for_the_college_student.pdf?1495837573.

Mayo Clinic Staff (2020, August 18). Exercise and stress: Get moving to manage stress. Retrieved    from: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/exercise-and-stress/art-20044469.

Jill Duffy (2021, August 18). Get More Done: Try These 10 Simple Tips for Better To-Do Lists.    Retrieved from https://sea.pcmag.com/get-organized/37624/10-ways-to-make-better-to-do-lists

Mind Tools Content Team, (n.d). Self-Discipline Persisting Until You Reach Your Goals. Retrieved from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/self-discipline.htm

Tracy Kennedy (2021, March 02). How to Build Self Discipline to Excel in Life. Retrieved from https://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/self-discipline-the-foundation-of-productive-living.html

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